Wednesday, September 21, 2011

September 2011 Retreat: Fishbowl Query 3

 Query 3: How can I be fully present in every circumstance without compromising a part of me?

Breathe deeply, move slowly, listen carefully, ask questions, always be honest, let go of guilt.

·         This has never been an issue for me. When I am fully present, the group will have all of me. When I am not, it will have none. All or nothing – Olivia Louis Holmes

·         I do not know if I am ever fully present. I do not know when I am compromising myself.
·         By knowing what circumstances are part of me and what aren’t I can stay true to myself by engaging where I am called.

·         In order to be fully present I have to stop worrying about what others think of me. When I stop worrying about being judged then I can truly be present and honest to the community I am a part of. 

·         I can be fully present by believing in myself, knowing my strengths, knowing I have strengths. Also interacting with others can help gound me as well as centering exercises.

·         This is something I have been thinking a lot about. I do not know the answer. The step I try to take however is to be constantly checking in with myself. 

·         I need to practice being present, recognize when I am, and do it in a way that speaks to what I believe. It’ll take time. 

·         It starts with learning to be present. I don’t think I’ve fully figured that one out yet.

·         In order to be fully present I have to take the time to slow down and collect myself

·         I struggle with this question a lot, and have not found a solution.

·         I do not feel like being present should need compromising. 

·         Embrace myself which includes beliefs and actions. 

·         To be fully present for me is a goal to be strived for. Period. To do so without any self-compromising takes an open mind and patience in a situation where my views may differ.

·         Realistically, I probably can’t. I love too many things in this world and many times that leads to compromising some values to fulfill others. I need to take more patience and time for careful thought before big actions or decisions. – Nate Secrest  

·         If I want to be present, I have to be passionate about it. Sometimes it’s easy to lose sight of what is really important, but if I stay true to myself and my beliefs then I find myself present in whatever way I can.
·         Its hard to feel like the same person in ever circumstance, although I hold onto my values and sense of self whether I am at worship with QLSP or at a party later that night.

·         The times I feel least present is when I am alone. I look for distractions to keep me from having to look at myself, within myself without the love and support of community. I am completely part of a whole. –Rose McIntyre

·         I can’t when self-care becomes an issue. If I’m really hurting, being present is something no the right thing. But in other circumstances, I listen for my light and look for the Light in others. 

·         I can attempt to be fully present without compromising by attempting to create a predetermined understanding of beliefs and morals that stem from love and are carried out with sincerity and integrity. Act out of kindness.

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