Wednesday, September 21, 2011

September 2011 Retreat: Fishbowl Query 2

Query 2: What generalizations or labels do you feel placed on you?

·         Wallflower

·         They change from day to day, and usually after reflection, I can liberate myself from them, the worst ones I place on myself. 

·         I don’t think I am noticed enough to have a label placed on me. 

·         Feminine, delicate, sweet, nice, earnest, a good person, maternal, a nurturer, a caretaker, a lover, privileged, successful, needy. 

·         Because I choose not to drink, some label me as “boring” and ask what it is I “do for fun.” Others assume I am a conservative Christian or “strict.” None of which I feel describe me. 

·         In classes I sometimes feel my intelligence is assumed to be less than one of my male peers. I’m also stereotyped as a partier because of how I look, and my past actions, but now I am more likely to be in my room doing homework on a Saturday night than out drinking.  I also feel pressure to succeed coming from all angles: professors, staff, friends, and family…My high expectations for myself have lead other to design my future, and my path to get there, for me. 

·         I can’t think of any.

·         I don’t know if they are always placed on me. At times I place them on myself: maternal and caring which means to some that I would never be inconsiderate or mean.

·         Privileged, hippie, poor, home schooled, white, shy, reserved, loving, empathetic, diligent. Labels are what I most don’t like. 

·         I feel when people see me they think I’m antisocial and boring. 

·         I think sometimes people assume that I don’t have much to say because I am not a very talkative person in some situations. 

·         “Hippie” “Oats” “Amish”

·         Dramatic, lazy, apathetic 

·         Quaker, Hippie, Farmer, Home schooled, Busy, Slightly serious, Spacey, Tough 

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