Tuesday, January 10, 2012

Spring Semester Query 2012!

Welcome back and to the new year! Here's a query to think about, and if you feel led, please respond!

As you reflect on the past semester and look forward to the new one, what new intentions/commitments can you embrace to enrich your own experience and that of the body.

Thanks for the participation!


  1. I've decided to commit to learning how to cook. I think that being more knowledgable about what you're putting into your body is a great thing and it's something I need to work on. I want a better more personal relationship with my food and thus I choose cooking as the skill I want to improve on this semester.

    Over winter break I taught myself how to cook two dishes (tortillas with rice, beans and spices/stir fry chicken in a tasty sauce). May not seem like a big deal but I just tripled my cooking knowledge (shout out to my boy scrambled eggs). I'm going to learn to cook bruschetta with a friend next week and he's going to teach me a new recipe every week!

  2. I didn't find enough time to exercise last semester and I think that may have left me feeling languid and stressed so I would like to commit to exercising in some way at least three times a week, be it a run on the treadmill at the gym, a long walk in the woods, or a pick-up game of soccer with friends, I just want to get my body moving.

    I also hope to be more conscious about the choices I make re: food and what I put into my body. I often get into the mode of cafe food and forget that anything else exists, so I want to try to find fresher, non-cafe food for some days of the week.

  3. I am pushing myself this semester to come more actively prepared for worship. I always enjoy our time together as a body, but I want to more fully embrace the concept of "expectant waiting worship." I hope that by being more present in my body and with God that I will have a more positive experience of worship, one that can challenge me, embrace me, and guide me.

  4. This semester I will put more effort into strengthening my spirituality through a daily spiritual practice I also hope to take advantage of the many other spiritual practices here on campus and participate more in things like buddist meditation and taize singing meditations.

    This semester focus for me is also about helping others achieve their goals and being a better influence on my friends, motivating them to reach their potential.

  5. I really want to be more present with the community. Last semester I was intentionally taking some time for myself to recollect my gifts in a way. This semester I want to share them.

  6. In my school work I would like to avoid procrastinating, while in QLSP, I would like to get to know our group better as individuals.

  7. I would like to get to know every member of QLSP on a personal level.

  8. This semester I want to see the infinite, and wrestle with the concept of a limitless life.
